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  1. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    Apologies, I'm just quite upset about the experience.
  2. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

  3. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    Read what you sent me. You ADMIT you made a mistake and that others complain about quality... If you make mistake and admit it like you do then any decent human being would hold their hands up and work out something with the customers so the customer is happy and also the customer will come...
  4. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    You admit in that photo that you make mistake but you do not want to fix your mistake?!
  5. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    Read what you sent me. Stop changing what you want to say. This is ridiculous No trust at all, buy at our own risk, that's absolutely shocking
  6. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    Yes a little but damp still, my bad.
  7. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    Why are you on this website exactly?
  8. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    Let's hope the 1g synthesis I'm doing works out good.
  9. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    Instead of laughing at people why don't you offer to help instead of laughing and put xD, very immature. This forum is here to help people not laugh and joke because someone needs help
  10. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    I've recrystallised it, 60g 2b4m (washed with hotwater to remove 4-methylpropihenon oil that floats on top) in 100ml IPA at 60c temperature, controlled using water bath and thermometer, I got 44g back so hopefully it's pure now. I am doing a 1g 2b4m experiment now. I know photos don't mean...
  11. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    I'm not saying you are scamming. I didn't mention your name, I was trying to keep it professional and not name people. You said in private message that others have complained about quality, I just want it to be working. First order and I've wasted so many hours and money on other ingredients...
  12. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    I did a few drops every 5 seconds until I did 8ml, continuously stirring. I was doing it slower than the actual videos on shown on this forum.
  13. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    Can someone help explain how I can clean the 2B4M so that it doesn't make my mix go black when I add acid. I'm trying my best to liase with the seller, if you or someone can help with a method to fix / clean the 2B4M I have then I will be happy with that, I just want to fix it so I can finally...
  14. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    After attempting on my own i reached out and had @w2x3f5 help me step by step using his method and this is what happens.
  15. white7proton

    BK4 (2b4m) Containing 4-methylpropihenon

    I purchased from a supplier found here, 5kg of BK4 (2b4m) and with help from someone who is experienced we have found out the reason my synthesises are not working because the BK4 contains 4-methylpropihenon. I had to try to wash with boiling water to remove the 4-methylpropihenon layer on top...
  16. white7proton

    4MMC Crystals

    This mixture is after 2 hours. 50g 2b4m 200ml DCM 100ml Methyloamine 40% Next I will wash with water then add DCM, Acetone and add acid slowly until 5.5 / 6PH then freeze. But the mixture goes greeny blue when I add the acid.
  17. white7proton

    4MMC Crystals

    Mine is like this. I have no idea what I am doing wrong. Costing me money and i keep making mistake, so frustrating
  18. white7proton

    4MMC Crystals

    Why is mine like this, take 3 days to crystallise. I just don't understand. I follow method and this is what happen. Sorry to keep asking but if I don't ask for help I won't learn.
  19. white7proton

    Can someone help me with synthesising and crystallising 4MMC please.

    Can someone help me with synthesising and crystallising 4MMC please.
  20. white7proton

    4MMC Crystals

    As usual I've failed to make crystals, just turns out to be more of a solid mass, there are no crystals and the solid mass isn't opaque like crystals that I have seen in the past. Just looks like the 4mmc has formed together and goes hard. I just don't get this. I followed what to do and for...