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  1. C


    I think it would be good for this place to give a general tablet "recipe" to give a general guide overall, or perhaps for certain compounds, like amphetamine, 2cb, mephedrone, etc.
  2. C

    Advertizing Dead Drops?

    How is it best to "advertise" that one has a dead drop available? It seems one would either need to advertise online, which imo won't result in many customers, unless in a very large city, like millions of people. Otherwise, it would have to be done word of mouth, as in "I got this really...
  3. C

    What is the best route to synthesize methamphetamine on a large scale?

    You probably should look into forming a company that has a legitimate use for cannister of hydrogen, and go from there. Tons of place will not sell to individuals, but will sell to businesses, and some will only ship to commercial addresses.
  4. C

    PyBOP and Diethylmethylamine Vendors?

    Does anyone here vend these chemicals? The write up on here makes it seems like the PyBOP method would be ideal for LSD production, curious how it scale scale up. The LSD analgoues seem to be the way to go, imo, as they are technically legal in most places, very potent, and people want these...
  5. C

    How do I get access to the RC section?

    I would like access to the RC section. I lurk often, post often, and try to make good content for the forums
  6. C

    Chemical Sellers Mislabeling?

    So I was wondering if anyone knows if sellers of chemicals in China or elsewhere will mislabeled cannisters of chemicals. Does that even work? Like could they have a label of "ammonia" on a cannister, but it actually be methylamine?
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    Forming Company Anonymously

    I was interested in some common cathinones, and amphetamines. Probably 4mmc and meth.
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    Forming Company Anonymously

    US centric question. How would one form a company that is not tied to them in any way? I assume one might have to get fake ID, things like that. It seems if one wants to order precursors, solvents, glassware, on a medium to large scale, it would be a good idea to have a company do it, and...
  9. C

    Synthesis of methylamine hcl from formaldehyde (large scale)

    Any alternative for n butyl alcohol?
  10. C

    Outbuilding Lab Smell Prevention?

    I'm sure since I will be small scale (likely biggest flask will be 2 liter) I can figure out a way to basically run fumes through a series of water traps, I've read about it being done. Perhaps that is the best idea, just run everything through some traps. Noise wise I'm on top, generally. I'...
  11. C

    Selling "Legal" Analogues In US?

    Absolutely this. Never sell something legal as something illegal, charge is the same
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    Outbuilding Lab Smell Prevention?

    I think I understand what you are saying. Basically, the fan must be strong enough to pull through as much ducting as necessary. And that a two stage filter is necessary, one carbon filter, and one that runs into water. Do I have that correct?
  13. C

    Outbuilding Lab Smell Prevention?

    Nothing wild, just a list of ones I would like. Meth, MDMA, 2cb, ghb, mephedrone, for sure. Maybe when I get some experience some barbiturates, methaqualone, and some specific opiates, dextromoramide or ketobemidone. But absolutely the first 5. Nothing really hard, and I'm familiar with all...
  14. C

    Outbuilding Lab Smell Prevention?

    I'm doing lots of planning ahead, and trying to imagine any and all issue prevention for a backyard lab I would eventually like to set up. This wouldn't be at scale, just personal use. I would likely be getting a 10 foot tall shed, somewhere around 100 square feet. Neighbors are close, but not...
  15. C

    THC Powder?

    I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts about this idea. I know thc can be infused into oil, mixed with maltodextrin and lecithin to make a powder. I'm just wondering, why couldn't one just skip infusing the thc into oil, and one add maltodextrin and lecithin directly to thc concentrate...
  16. C

    Poor Man’s Mercury Salts

    I have heard that one can throw mercury metal, sodium nitrate, and some HCl together, and the nitrate salt And HCl will react to form a poor man’s aqua regia, dissolving the mercury and forming, I believe, mercuric chloride. Can this solution be thrown into some water and aluminum metal to form...
  17. C

    What is the best route to synthesize methamphetamine on a large scale?

    I feel like someone asking this question is not ready to do so... The big dogs in the Netherlands use the leuckart reaction, and precious metal catalyst hydrogenation. I read a report that precious metal catalyst usage is especially popular, and read a bust about 10 years back where they found...
  18. C

    Pmk to MDA

    My brief research has found that ethylamine will not lead to MDA, but MDEA. Ammonia is the substitute for methylamine to form mda in an amalgam reduction. The reaction is far less efficient, but I think some low yield has been reported. Think about it. Methylamine produces Methylamphetamine...
  19. C

    Pmk to MDA

    Few things here. First, unless I'm mistaken, the gallium aluminum amalgam has never be enough proven to work on these type of substrates. Second, ethylamine will produce MDEA, if I'm not mistaken.
  20. C

    Pmk to MDA

    No, I'm not a chemist, as I said. I read ither people doing it, so you'll have to find what i read, or similar. You gotta figure some of this out on your own. Look on look on here, search for "leuckart" might be enough to get you going