Search results

  1. T

    Large scale money laundering

    I think he means making it appear completely legal. There are many tricks. My friends dad buys a car every month and sells it after 30 days. He also has a personal hookup with one of these gift card markets where he buys a few hundred racks of gift cars and sells them back to the guy minus 3%...
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    Searching for fake documents psds related to company registration

    Looking for a vendor 
    Yes sir your profile doesn’t allow me to message you it says your unavailable.
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    New here looking for a meth supplier from USA

    Question Looking for a vendor 
    Was that zero an answer?
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    how to sneak drugs on a plane?

    Your going to Malaysia and stashing drugs on your person? Yeah it’s a good plan if you don’t have to come back gor school next year. Muslim countries can be a little harsh and they check everything. I would have to say bring a bloody rag with you and when your getting ready to land stick the...
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    New here looking for a meth supplier from USA

    Question Looking for a vendor 
  6. T

    Australian ayahuasca recipe

    No I just meant that what I was searching for was an ad in the store not a message it was a page offering diazepam when they first opened store. Any idea how long it takes to be approved. For ad in the sellers.
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    Australian ayahuasca recipe

    This was a posting in breaking bad store gor selling them not a message. How long do those ladt the same?
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    Australian ayahuasca recipe

    Thank you I’ll pass that on but this guy was a pharma guy and from what I saw these were his drug of choice and they were producing them for one of the pharma companies so I guess technically he was being contracted to produce pharma.
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    Australian ayahuasca recipe

    Hi Frit bugging you again because I had dealt with one of the original vendors posting here for Benzos in fact maybe the very first but I can’t find it now and there’s a member I told I would find this guys diozepam ad. He was in Southern California. Do we have an archive where those would wind...
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    Who are you?
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    I do, what do you have and are you in the USA?
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    What do you mean by gel form, you in the USA? There is the liquid which is a bit thicker than water but not a gel?
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    Crossing the border canada

    Dead Drop 
    Why for someone near the border if they are shipping to all of usa? I’m not near the border but I could retrieve from Canada if it was worth it, have to be one hell of a bomb ass site though.
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    Australian ayahuasca recipe

    For the guy having trouble making it maybe you could explain to him it’s one of the few polymorphic substances on the planet so making may not always work even if you rigidly follow previous synthesis that were successful. Sorry doing the best I can if that doesn’t make any sense to anyone it’s...
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    Crossing the border canada

    Dead Drop 
    Why what difference would that make to anyone except a cop. I stated above I don’t go to Canada these days. If you think woke in USA are grossly absurd Canada’s woke make ares look smart.
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    PLEASE HELP!!! public od legal issues :(

    Solid advice I told her same thing.
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    PLEASE HELP!!! public od legal issues :(

    Plus all you did was stagger around allot? You any color except white it would be difficult to get arrested here right now. If this is in california I’ll even represent you but I’m telling you your fine. Unless your a beautiful white girl then your in big trouble lol
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    PLEASE HELP!!! public od legal issues :(

    Have you ever been arrested? What state are you in. Are you a chemist by chance. if you have never been arrested in the USA it is very unlikely they have your prints and even less likely the prints are even able to be seen on the bag.
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    PLEASE HELP!!! public od legal issues :(

    What country we talking about the UK. We pretty much have the same type of legal system. Was this bag you left gone when you got back? How much was in the bag? I think if you denied everything across the board that it would be impossible to prosecute. The only person that can get you in trouble...
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    Chemist For Hire

    2C-x 5-MEO-xxT Ketamine Mephedrone 
    Trying to talk to me?