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  1. Rabidreject

    Would the NaBH4 / CuCl2 reduction work for TMA?

    Interesting - I’m thinking it’s going to work. Is certainly worth a try…I do have LAH but am a little scared to use it at this stage TBH, but I guess the worst that happens is I fudge this 5g of nitropropene up and make more - I have like 480g of the starting aldehyde left so meh. This is...
  2. Rabidreject

    Would the NaBH4 / CuCl2 reduction work for TMA?

    Hey guys, Iv been making a few b-nitrostyrene’s (mainly) but I also made the nitropropene corresponding to TMA, seeing as I’m making mescaline anyway. I plan to proceed to reduce the nitrostyrene’s via NaBH4/CuCl2, I’m just curious if that would be okay for the reduction of the...
  3. Rabidreject

    Mescaline Synthesis With Nitromethane. 1000g Scale.

    Oh one more thing, can I reduce the corresponding nitropropene for TMA in the same manner? It seeems okay but it would comfort me to know someone has done it!
  4. Rabidreject

    Mescaline Synthesis With Nitromethane. 1000g Scale.

    Does the second bit of this synth work nicely scaled down to say a 5g starting nitrostyrene quantity? Or do the solvents scale differently? I’m about to try this…
  5. Rabidreject

    Anyone know what I can re-x tryptamine from?

    @DavidNichols Oh my god! I was just looking for half dodgy suppliers of propionaldehyde so I can see for myself whether DPT is so much better than DET. I always just assume reagents I need for syntheses are unavailable in this country but actually quite a few of the simple aldehydes are...
  6. Rabidreject

    Anyone know what I can re-x tryptamine from?

    I plan to work through if I can
  7. Rabidreject

    Anyone know what I can re-x tryptamine from?

    Oh that’s interesting. I’m sure it’s been sold as an RC over the years and pretty sure they sold it as the fumarate but no I intend to keep it to try a few times…that’s about it. It just happened that I could obtain acetaldehyde that’s all really…
  8. Rabidreject

    Small batch chemist looking to do the Henry reaction….

    Wow, got up this morning feeling pretty darn certain that the TMA synth had gone wrong and would crystallise. Why? I have no idea really…maybe I checked it too quick but after abandoning it in the freezer overnight I was pretty darn surprised to see that it had been overcome by yellow crystals…...
  9. Rabidreject

    Small batch chemist looking to do the Henry reaction….

    I followed the mescaline / TMA video on here but was also keeping an eye on Pihkal. I successfully made about 7-8g of the 3,4,5-b-nitrostyrene and so I thought I’d push my luck and try make the corresponding nitropropene as well. So over the past few days I first did the reflux - then the next...
  10. Rabidreject

    Anyone know what I can re-x tryptamine from?

    I had some luck with ethyl acetate to be fair…in the end… It just turned it from little shard crystals to more see through and sugary granule looking. I do understand that the 99% stuff works straight out the bag, I just figure it can’t hurt can it…. In my experience it’s just good practice...
  11. Rabidreject

    High yielding trans-2,5-Dimethoxy-beta-nitrostyrene synthesis (detailed description)

    Oh wow. It’s quite incredible how the viscosity changes inside the flask, even after the outside feel completely cold. I just left it on top of the fridge like ten mins ago and it swirled around the flask no problem, which is why I said there’s still nitroethane in there. Im sure there still...
  12. Rabidreject

    High yielding trans-2,5-Dimethoxy-beta-nitrostyrene synthesis (detailed description)

    Okay so I don’t have a rotovap and the synthesis said to remove the excess solvent under vacuum and so the only option I really have atm was just a normal vacuum distillation. So I set it up using my mantle and rotary vane pump. Im left with a dark amber/ red oil (I imagine also some residual...
  13. Rabidreject

    High yielding trans-2,5-Dimethoxy-beta-nitrostyrene synthesis (detailed description)

    Oh and yeah I do intend to start with the CuCl2 + NaBH4 method…
  14. Rabidreject

    High yielding trans-2,5-Dimethoxy-beta-nitrostyrene synthesis (detailed description)

    Etsy is a mad one like that - my best supplier I found through Etsy. In fact the person that enabled me to do most of this chemistry I met through Etsy. I just forget to search it regularly - I too have def seen relevant nitrostyrenes on there but as you say was expensive and I figured I needed...
  15. Rabidreject

    High yielding trans-2,5-Dimethoxy-beta-nitrostyrene synthesis (detailed description)

    That’s all really useful and interesting… I actually came back on here because I realised my Benzo detox ravaged brain said the Picktet-Spengler reaction earlier with regards to tryptamine’s and using LAH for that. Brain fart! I actually meant the reaction whereby tryptamine’s are constructed...
  16. Rabidreject

    Looking to do a Henry reduction on 3,4,5-trimethoxybza…

    Okay yeah I shall do that to be fair - that was my go to. I’m just interested in using the LAH before it sets alight! lol just kidding it’s stored well.
  17. Rabidreject

    Looking to do a Henry reduction on 3,4,5-trimethoxybza…

    That route you mentioned sounds really interesting but annoyingly at the moment I have to work with what I have… I had good success using ammonium acetate yesterday to make the b-3,4,5-TMONS - I followed shulgins method but when that was refluxing I watched the mescaline / TMA synthesis video...
  18. Rabidreject

    High yielding trans-2,5-Dimethoxy-beta-nitrostyrene synthesis (detailed description)

    Yeah that’s what I assumed you meant…well sort of. I certainly assumed you didn’t mean for the easy synthesis iv been following for simple tryptamines! It’s interesting yeah I didn’t really consider the vasoconstrictor thing to be fair. Yeah I remember having bronco dragonfly and not...
  19. Rabidreject

    High yielding trans-2,5-Dimethoxy-beta-nitrostyrene synthesis (detailed description)

    Oh really? Okay you have basically told me the opposite of what I was going to do lol I don’t really plan on exploring many of the 5-meo tryptamine’s, however, iv been performing cold reductive aminations on tryptamine and I know the theory is the same if starting from 5-meo-tryptamine. Surely...
  20. Rabidreject

    High yielding trans-2,5-Dimethoxy-beta-nitrostyrene synthesis (detailed description)

    @FENTAMAS Have you tried this synth - only subbing nitromethane with a stoichiometric excess of nitromethane instead to form the relevant nitropropene? I’m thinking far down the line to maybe make some DOB - which I realised utilises 2,5-DMOAmphetamine as a starting material (something I never...