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  1. BlueDex

    Are nootropics drugs, too?

    I enjoyed Weed sometimes and Weed with Modafinil and Energy drinks. Usually alcohol. I want to combine Weed and Alcohol (Ethanol). I tried 2-methyl-2-butanol. Weed and 2-methyl-2-butanol. I also enjoyed Phenylpiracetam Hydrazide. I want to try Thiopropamine (TPA), Methiopropamine (MPA)...
  2. BlueDex

    Synthesis of Propylhexedrine from cyclohexyl bromide

    Cyclohexyl bromide can be obtained from cyclohexanol and Hydrobromic acid using a Zinc Chloride catalyst. Also, CHX2P (Cyclohexyl-2-Propanone) can react with methylamine to make Cyclohexyl-2-Propanone methylimine and be reduced in 70% ethanol water to make Propylhexedrine. Grab a beer!
  3. BlueDex

    Are nootropics drugs, too?

    I tried a whole lot of cognitive enhancers and some have permanently enhanced most parts of cognition, but not much help with ADHD. The only ones that help with ADHD are stimulants, wakefulness enhancers, and selegiline. D,L-Deprenyl might help more. When I take Modafinil, Armodafinil...
  4. BlueDex

    I want to know about nicotine

    I used to smoke. Then I switched to Nicotine vaping and gum which are cleaner. Then I quit Nicotine. Nicotine helps to focus for like an hour and gives you energy and relaxation. But then you want more and Kratom has a way stronger buzz and last longer. It's good to synthesize drugs like...
  5. BlueDex

    How did you become a coffee drinker?

    I became a coffee drinker as a kid. First, I kept saying "No! I won't drink it! It's a drug!". I used to believe drugs were bad, but they're more like tools. Then one day as a kid, I thought "Screw it! Might as well drink coffee and bread and sometimes some cream or milk.". Then I went from...
  6. BlueDex

    I am a newbie and I want to know how to process scopolamine drug

    Scopolamine? That stuff is burundanga! It causes suggestibility and forgetfulness and delirium. It can kill at high doses. The antidote is Arecoline Hydrobromide! Someone consuming Arecoline Hydrobromide or betel nuts are less likely to be affected by burundanga. Plus, Arecoline Hydrobromide...
  7. BlueDex

    Everything I learned these days about methamphetamine (correct me if I got it wrong, I'm still learning)

    Maybe that's for some grignard reactions that require extended heating that it needs an inert atmosphere and ether isn't enough.
  8. BlueDex

    Everything I learned these days about methamphetamine (correct me if I got it wrong, I'm still learning)

    The diethyl ether is very volatile and doesn't let oxygen in. Sometimes higher temperatures are required, so dibutyl ether can be used, it's still volatile enough to exclude oxygen.
  9. BlueDex

    Everything I learned these days about methamphetamine (correct me if I got it wrong, I'm still learning)

    I meant benzyl magnesium chloride, not ethylmagnesium chloride. Typo. You add magnesium turnings in diethyl ether (or dibutyl ether) and slowly add benzyl chloride to form benzyl magnesium chloride. Then you add acetonitrile. An iodine crystal can help form the grignard reagent. Scratching the...
  10. BlueDex

    Comment by 'BlueDex' in media 'Methamphetamine Synthesis From P2P Via Al/Hg'

    You can try non-toxic Galinstan (Gallium Indium Tin alloy, GaInSn) to amalgamate Aluminum. Weigh Aluminum foil and rip it into pieces. 90% to 95% Aluminum foil. Then get 5% to 10% liquid Galinstan metal. Melt it in a crucible until it's all molten and stir it with a glass stir rod. Then let it...
  11. BlueDex

    Synthesis of Propylhexedrine from cyclohexyl bromide

    Hello. You can use cyclohexyl bromide to react it with ethyl acetoacetate to get the Ethyl 2-cyclohexyl-3-oxobutanoate. Then you can turn the intermediate into Cyclohexyl-2-Propanone. Then react Cyclohexyl-2-Propanone with methylamine in a water ethanol solution and do reductive amination with...
  12. BlueDex


    You can do a grignard reaction of benzylmagnesium chloride in diethyl ether (or better yet, dibutyl ether) on butyronitrile and get 1-phenyl-2-pentanone. Then condense it with pyrrolidine in ethanol water solution and do reductive amination with Aluminum Galinstan amalgam to get Prolintane...
  13. BlueDex

    Everything I learned these days about methamphetamine (correct me if I got it wrong, I'm still learning)

    The engine starting fluid has diethyl ether and either hexane or heptane. There are videos on how to make diethyl ether from ethanol. Devil Springs and Everclear has a high percentage of ethanol. There could be lab ethanol online. Dibutyl ether could be used for a Grignard reaction of...
  14. BlueDex

    Methamphetamine Synthesis From P2P Via Al/Hg

    You don't add sodium hydroxide (lye) to it because it will contaminate the gallium.
  15. BlueDex

    Methamphetamine Synthesis From P2P Via Al/Hg

    Ultrasound only works for grignard reactions to activate magnesium. Don't add sodium hydroxide! If gallium chloride doesn't activate the aluminum foil, try Galinstan (Gallium Indium Tin alloy). You heat up Aluminum foil pieces and Galinstan in a crucible and have a 90%-95% Aluminum and 5%-10%...
  16. BlueDex

    Methamphetamine Synthesis From P2P Via Al/Hg

    Try using non-toxic Aluminum Galinstan amalgam.
  17. BlueDex

    Methamphetamine synthesis from Acetaminophen?

    The OH part makes it acetic acid, the NH2 makes it acetamide, and the CH3 part makes it Acetone. Add an aromatic benzene ring, and it would be phenylacetone. Organic chemistry is good to learn. It's good to feed the brain with knowledge. Knowledge gives you a sense of accomplishment when you run...
  18. BlueDex

    Yield Difference Between Chloro and Iodo?

    The 2-iodo-4-methylpropiophenone is a better leaving group, but it's harder to get it on the carbon in the first place. The 2-chloro-4-methylpropiophenone is easier to get on the carbon, but a worse leaving group. 2-Bromo-4-methylprophiophenone is just right. Trying to make 4-MMC or 4-MEC?
  19. BlueDex

    240% yield of amphetamine.. what's going on!?

    Maybe it got contaminated with sodium bisulfate. Is it hygroscopic? Because then hydrogen oxide (water) can get into it too.
  20. BlueDex

    Meth from phenylacetone and methylamine?

    Ah. Smarter. You see, phenylacetone forms an imine with methylamine. To reduce the imine, you can use toxic Aluminum Mercury amalgam or non-toxic Aluminum Galinstan. You can make Ethylamphetamine with Phenyl-2-Propanone and ethylamine in a similar way with an ethanol water solution with Aluminum...