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  1. Dr. MMX

    DCM or Toluene for 4-mmc

    honestly, toulene has only one pro - its good solvent for 1st synthesis, you can learn faster i believe. Then when you have some knowledge about the process you can jump on other solvents and see how easy it is if its your 1st time I thinkk its really good idea. I started this way( wasnt...
  2. Dr. MMX

    4-MMC (mephedrone) synthesis. Complete video tutorial.

    i ve successfully received crystals in the final when i did a lot of mistakes and used acetone to acidification. It just happened - unfortunate things between. Still output like that. You should analize what you do
  3. Dr. MMX

    4-MMC (mephedrone) synthesis. Complete video tutorial.

    the beauty in the picture is result of crystalisation process doesnt matter which path in sytnehsis you go, its onyl visual output
  4. Dr. MMX

    Problem with sending message.

    @HEISENBERG there are shortcuts on keyboard when user is on main page and using a "new messenger popout" to message. Pressing buttoons actually do some actions on page. Not sure if its config (broowser) related but it may be.
  5. Dr. MMX

    Szukam dostawcow p2np, BMK, metyloaminy 40% na terenie polski.

    Dlaczego tyllko inpost? UPS to najpewniejszy kurier, tez ma paczkomaty :)
  6. Dr. MMX

    anyone can advise newbie who want to start manufacturing

    I am sure the best way will be just learning chemistry,l if you do, you will have knowledge how to self make equipment, how to use and how to syntehtise reagents from basic compounds.
  7. Dr. MMX

    I want to start my marijuana business. I need guidance.

    gain knowledge about plants otherwise you will ***** out your 1st yields :) learn biology about cannabis and what and why cannabis need plan your grow plan your growing room
  8. Dr. MMX

    anybody got gordon ramseys 4mmc reagent kit recipe?

    from my personal experience, most mattering in mmc grow is how you maintain temps between 20/25 and 0 :) i just have luck to have 3 fridges, it gives very huge difference in crystals output when its like maybne only minutes on scaled like 2h if its put into oven to separate its temp (boiling...
  9. Dr. MMX

    Anybody want to buy 5000-10.000 XTC regularly?

    . lot of pple saying that "true mdma is the best" not syure what can be good in drug that gives OD after hundreds of miligrams and requires other drugs toi take to be chilled or something basicly amphetamines are funny meth makes zombie cant say amph becasue it doesnt in reality so i wont say...
  10. Dr. MMX

    A-PVP Shake and Bake?

    you can do all alfas and its analogs, drones etc without equipment, its even a bit easier, less misktaes to do :) eq is to fullfill its job after its needed no matter what
  11. Dr. MMX

    lab > bed

    lab > bed
  12. Dr. MMX

    "New drugs" on the street.

    understanding, then more understanding and more understanding is a key. I do everytdays research abut new things, i discover new names of substances, t their atributes, and these who were discoovered (by me) months ago are assivly im my head now, so its always time
  13. Dr. MMX

    "New drugs" on the street.

    you dont need precursors, use these who discovered a way to synthetise this way knwleedge is the key, here is ust repeat, no need to buy precursor when you can prepare that in soome hoours from really base ingridients that coost 5% of recursor - if money is issue. for sure its better way to...
  14. Dr. MMX

    "New drugs" on the street.

    ur wrong about cost of eq and reagents. if you focus on learning 1st then it w8iill cost you max 1 euro to do 1kg of mepehedrone including reagents and eq :)
  15. Dr. MMX

    "New drugs" on the street.

    I agree with Habier. Money isnt the key,but its need
  16. Dr. MMX

    Cut 3-cmc

    You miss a point. Crystalization is purification of a substance :) Evaporation is getting rid of liquid. When you crystalize you have clean product. When you evaporate you get rid of solvent so everything else stays (if solution was unclear)
  17. Dr. MMX

    How to extract iodine crystals from a povidone-iodine solution?

    I would try to separate it via DCM and drain bottom layer out and see what will happen :)
  18. Dr. MMX

    How did you hear about us? It is important for us.

    I was trying to do research about precursors. I was interested in synthesis. When was reading about 4mmc on wikipedia and its synthesis paths, an add dispplayed somewhere when reasearching about reagents; ad to yt.
  19. Dr. MMX

    "New drugs" on the street.

    here stats are like addicted ones just dont say anything negative when its good level of product meanwhile connesseuirs will find something that could be better in their opinion - most funny is that usually they sppeak about visual crystals haha. anyways and addicts doesnt care, even if it was...
  20. Dr. MMX

    "New drugs" on the street.

    Then probably the best way is incrashe prices on better product, but to have worse one in stock as well. You need to adapt to customers you have depending how much they are willing to spend