Search results

  1. OrgUnikum

    Fake P2NP

    According to TLC on several samples of yellow crystals sold as P2NP there is a lot of completely or partially faked P2NP sold lately. Well it is just too easy, plain nitrostyrene made from Benzaldehyde and Nitromethane looks pretty much identical, smells identical and just does not produce Amph...
  2. OrgUnikum

    L-Ephedrine synthesis from L-phenylacetylcarbinol (L-PAC)

    l-PAC threads are always instantly overrun by bullshitters, so I say good-bye. You got the most important information: Acetaldehyde or Pyruvate, a suited yeast and ph <5. Nobody asked the big and obvious question: How can I find out if a strain of yeast is good or not? And as nobody asked...
  3. OrgUnikum

    L-Ephedrine synthesis from L-phenylacetylcarbinol (L-PAC)

    I would start using a bloody internet search engine
  4. OrgUnikum

    L-Ephedrine synthesis from L-phenylacetylcarbinol (L-PAC)

    I have about 200 papers on the topic and I can assure you that most of them are useless and some intentionally misleading. In special Australian papers by Rogerss/Shin are of this kind.
  5. OrgUnikum

    L-Ephedrine synthesis from L-phenylacetylcarbinol (L-PAC)

    It is the main way l-PAC and ephedrine is manufactured industrially. 3 to 5 gram l-PAC per liter of reaction medium is realistically to get, more, well then it gets tedious. But for industry that is no issue, handling large volumes is no problem. Industrially Benzaldehyde and Acetaldehyde are...
  6. OrgUnikum

    L-Ephedrine synthesis from L-phenylacetylcarbinol (L-PAC)

    Sodium Pyruvate is the gold standard. Calcium Pyruvate works too. Problem is you need a frigging lot of it so for serious production Acetaldehyde is better suited. If you can buy Paraldehyde - thats perfect, easily de-polymerized to Acetaldehyde and far better to handle. With Acetaldehyde you...
  7. OrgUnikum

    L-Ephedrine synthesis from L-phenylacetylcarbinol (L-PAC)

    It seems not to be understood that this is a condensation reaction of two aldehydes. Benzaldehyde and - what? So Acetaldehyde is added and there is your second one. Or Acetone in the Austrian Patent which Uncle Fester sold (it does not really work like most of his stuff). Or Pyruvate is added...
  8. OrgUnikum

    One-pot Amphetamine Synthesis From P2NP With NaBH4/CuCl2 (1kg scale)

    I would avoi using oxidizing acids in this step. Vtamin C will work, Ascorbic acid and thats a reducing agent too so no issues.
  9. OrgUnikum

    P2np Syntheses Ammonium Acetate Catalysis

    Take any bulky amine dissolve in a little IPA and add GAA until ph is acidic. This si your catalyst. Yes it will not be dissolved in the IPA but it does not matter. 10 g Amine per 100 ml Benzaldehyde is enough one can use less and get great yields just nuke two times more in the micro to 60°C...
  10. OrgUnikum

    P2np Syntheses Ammonium Acetate Catalysis

    No. Ethylene diamine as the di-acetate is the best catalyst. But Cyclohexylamine, Phenylethylamine actually any bulky phenylamine or diamine works great. it seems to be about how big the molecule is. Microwave not more then 60°C several times is pertfect, was done in 5 kg batches this way with...
  11. OrgUnikum

    Fentanyl Synthesis

    If you have the skills or have somebody who has, why make Fentanyl what is a really shitty drug by duration, euphoria and safety. Why not make an derivitive and you have not to get propionic anhydride or the chloride AND you have a superior drug. Carfentanyl is the opioid with one of the largest...
  12. OrgUnikum

    1-Phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) Leuckart amination to amphetamine and methamphetamine. Smale scale.

    some people want to make drugs and some want to make money, thats the main difference. I can accept both approaches as long quality is not compromised. Sadly with both approaches it usually is and that is when I am out, I am not delkivering the fastest cheapest way to something what can be sold...
  13. OrgUnikum

    1-Phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) synthesis from Diethyl(phenylacetyl)malonate

    I posted the original article already here in this thread. Synthesis of Methyl Ketones from Diethyl Acylmalonates Post: Non-onion...
  14. OrgUnikum

    1-Phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) synthesis from Diethyl(phenylacetyl)malonate

    Look there are two possibilities: First: You do not have 20230-59-6 but something else Second: You thnk you did what I wrote but on a closer look you did not due to some misunderstanding/language issues or whatever. I would guess number two is it, after my experience it will be .
  15. OrgUnikum

    1-Phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) synthesis from Diethyl(phenylacetyl)malonate

    How does it smell? But anyways it should be light yellow to golden at most (lighter color is better), it is really quite easy, red oil + water + oxalic acid + 38% H2SO4, heat to a max. of 95°C hold at this temp for some time and let cool down. STRONG STIRRING is most important! Until it is...
  16. OrgUnikum

    Hello I bought some methamphetamine#btcboss2022...

    Meth by P2P is pretty much archetypal racemic with a d- and l- Meth distribution of 50/50% +/- 1-2%, at least thats true in my parts of the woods, but if you know it for sure then kindly tell how you come to know this and have you checked this by use of a polarimeter?
  17. OrgUnikum

    Hello I bought some methamphetamine#btcboss2022...

    I would not call btcboss2022 a scammer at least not by purpose. I actually believe he honestly tries but there is a problem. The methods described here on the board are actually arbitrary, say it is a matter of chance which stereoisomere crystallizes out first and this will be in excess in the...
  18. OrgUnikum

    P2p distillation revenue breaks my heart! ! Need help from a great expert! !

    Don't add any base to the P2P. There must be always water in the distillation flask, never let it run dry.
  19. OrgUnikum

    best pipe to avoid hydrogen gas leaks

    Hydrogen is not corrosive in the common sense, any material will do. Its also not poisonous and will go up immediately so as long you have no candles burning under the ceiling why bother with a pipe, good ventilation will do.
  20. OrgUnikum

    L-Ephedrine synthesis from L-phenylacetylcarbinol (L-PAC)

    l-PAC is very sensitive to bases, they cause it to racemise what would be a pity. Acidic or neutral conditions are advised, with NaBH4 one can use use easily prepared derivates like STAB (from NaBH4 in Toluene with 3 equivalent GAA added) or Zinc-Borohydride (from anhydrous ZnCl2 and NaBH4) or...