SnB success story


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Nov 16, 2023
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Greetings ladies and gentlemen.
I have come to bring the good news. Contrary to popular opinion, it is still possible to use PSE pills for a shake and bake. I will share the basic knowledge and I will be improving upon this.
There seems to be two SnB recipies going around. I picked them apart and did what made sense. The text provided by the man Flatline is invaluable. After a failed first attempt with SU-24's and titrating some gak, I went back to the drawing board. I don't know exactly the best way to do it yet, but here's what I've got so far.

1 box walfed 'redhots' 96*30=2880mg PSE
~150g NaOH
~50g NH4NO3 - you can still find it in coldpacks at the pharmacy (atleast I can anyway)
2 AA Li batteries
Mg2SO4 anhydrous
HCl - Muriatic acid "acid magic"
H2SO4 - Sulfuric acid "liquid fire"
Methanol, Acetone, IPA (if you wanna xtalize)
Diethyl ether, VM&P Naptha, Toluene
NaCl or CaCl
coffee filters, cotton balls, instruments
I used a 1.5L Kombucha glass bottle
Heat source

Methanol is good enough to extract the PSE from the pill mash. You probably want to rinse off the color first with acetone or MEK, I didn't do this by mistake but it came out OK anyway. Not necessary to base and gas the pills.
Mix PSE and NaOH well and add to RV. Add your fuel. I used about 80ml diethyl ether, 40ml toluene and about ~200ml of naptha. I used 1 and 1 half Li strips from 2 AA batteries. Add your Li to RV. Lastly add your ammonium nitrate. I added about 5ml of H2O to kick it off. The rxn kicked right off but it died out and didn't do much until I put it on a hotplate. No Li was ignited and it bronzed superbly. It took about 40 minutes after adding the AN and closing the cap. I agitated this rxn alot. Swirling at first, then shaking. I decanted the first batch of solvent. To the RV I added another portion of my NPS mix, as well as a little more NaOH and AN - maybe ~20g lye and ~10g AN and the remaining half strip of Li and 5ml H2O. I put this on the hotplate for about 10 mins and agitated the hell out of it. Decanted this portion of post rxn solvent and added to the first portion. I filtered them both very well, crystal clear, then to this about 5g of Mg2SO4 was added and agitated and filtered again, crystal clear. I rigged up a gas generator out of a tube, a hose and a sandwich bag and a rubber band. I used a turkey baster as the tube. Added a short hose to the tip. Packed the tube with ~10g Mg2SO4 and enclosed with a filter. In the sandwich baggie was about 20g of NaCl. I added about 5ml HCl and then 10ml H2SO4 and quickly sealed with rubberband. I had to apply pressure where the rubber band was so it wouldn't leak, but otherwise it worked great. It started snowing! What a beautiful sight. I definitely over did it with the gas, the solution was still fuming for a while after. After about 30 minutes I filtered the solution, caught my snow in a filter and washed with dry cold acetone. I ended up with about ~1g of what looked like powdered sugar. It definitely got me high. (y) I am happy to say, my second attempt at SnB was a success. 😳

1) Extracted PSE with Methanol, forgot to rinse red coating off pills at beginning.
2) Beginning RXN
3) 20 minutes in (10 minutes on hotplate at low setting)
4) 30 minutes
5) 40 minutes - Li is about gone
6) Snow globe
7) The final results

This whole thing is fairly easy once you get an idea for what exactly you are trying to do. My understanding of the whole procedure is much better now than it was. My first attempt two months ago was alot different than this. I will place emphasis on picture 3 - THAT is what you are going for. The "Chocolate milk" and "gold BB's/puddle" - I believe this is when you wanna start shakin' the shit out of it. That ammonia gas is no joke either, ...shit. Definitely vent outdoors.
I will be working on improving yield and quality. I don't know if other pills will work. The walfed 'redhots' 30mg I can vouch for their success. The walfed 12hr 120mg are also a good choice most likely. I will let you know.
If anyone has anything they can add to help me, any tips or advice etc. is welcome. I am also willing to help anyone else struggling with accomplishing a successful SnB. Don't be afraid to PM me. Good luck y'all. Bee safe! o7


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Feb 28, 2024
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I have a question to try and fix my stupidity...

During gas titration, when it was snowing.. I got too distracted by the snow, and the foam from the Sulfuric acid + Salt mix ended up going through my tube and into my fuel mixture and just covered all my meth gathered at the bottom of the jar. I tried to separate but nothing would work, it just was a green sludge that wouldn't mix with the fuel amd was keeping the meth trapped. It didn't absorb the meth.. I could still see the snowballs, but it wouldn't let it separate either. So I found out the green sludge (sodium biaulfate I think) would dissolve in warm water. So I now have a very yellow, almost orange concoction of sodium bisulfate amd meth dissolved in water and need to figure out how to extract the meth from here...

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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Nov 16, 2023
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Hello friend.
I am not too sure of what exactly you did, or IF and HOW it might be able to be fixed. The only thing that sounds like it might have a chance to help would be to raise the pH back to ~13 to get it to go back into freebase form. If it is in H2O solution the oil should push out and float to the top. Collect with NPS 3x and HCl gas again but don't contaminate it with salt etc. this time. If it snows, collect it in a filter, wash with cold dry acetone and you can use it at this point, after it dries, of course. Further recrystallization is possible if desired but not advised depending on quantity.
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Feb 28, 2024
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I was thinking that as well, or to evaporate all the water, let it dry, then basically start over from extracting the ephedrine woth methanol. But idk what it would do trying to dissolve the water. It was super corrosive that's for sure.. some got on a coffee filter and it ate through the filter and was just a slimy mess.

I think I will try what you suggested and bring the PH back up. Thank you for your input.


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Nov 16, 2023
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Something similar happened to me during my first RP/I2 cook. During gassing I started to see snow and I kept going until saturation however after some additional gassing I was left with a small red colored phase at the bottom of my fuel which sucked up all my meth. When I tried to filter it, it just kept eating through the filters and I wasn't able to salvage anything. I am thinking this phase developed due to water contamination from gassing or in my fuel, or both. Before you gas, be sure to dry your fuel with a few grams of Mg2SO4 and filter it well. Improvise a drying tube and make sure you are bubbling dry HCl gas also. Hopefully that helps and works... otherwise, I don't have a clue. :confused:


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Feb 28, 2024
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Well after I diluted it in water, its not as corrosive. I filtered through 3 ir 4 filters twice and it didn't eat through, but it certainly didn't pull anything either 🙃
Hopefully raising the PH and doing a dry filter will do the trick. I will let you know what happens!


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Nov 16, 2023
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Baking soda to raise the pH? Not sure if that is a good idea or not, I don't know if there is a reaction in there somewhere. Preferably NaOH or KOH last resort if you have it. Did you use lye to base the first time after the reaction?


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Feb 28, 2024
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I did not... I used lye in the reaction process, after reaction I dry filtered it (funnel, 2 cotton balls, 3 or 4 coffee filters, dry salt, 3 or 4 more coffee filters). Then I just gassed it... did I miss a whole ass step?


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Nov 16, 2023
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I don't know what you mean, 'used lye in the reaction process' Not sure what you did exactly. Assuming you reduced ephedrine or pseudo. If you used RP/I2 or hypo , you have meth "Hl" immediately after your reaction, dissolved in your solution. This is when you need to add lye to make the pH ~13 so you can collect with NPS and HCl gas. If you did a shake and bake, you've already got freebase oil in your reaction solution and there is no need to add lye. Either way, when you get your meth base oil in your NPS solution, you dry it with Mg2SO4 and filter one more time, perfectly. Then HCl gas, dry as possible. Filter your precipitate, wash with acetone, dry and done.


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Feb 28, 2024
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I reduced the pseudo, then did SnB. After dry filtering it, I gassed with HCI. During Gassing the foam transferred through the tube into my meth base solution. Then I dissolved whatever that was in distilled water and this is where I sit.


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Nov 16, 2023
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Let's get the terminology straightened out so you can communicate with everyone. You extracted the pseudo from the pills. You did the SNB, which is the reaction, which is a "reduction". You are taking atoms off the pseudoephedrine molecule to "reduce" it into d-meth. Dry THEN filter in the future, not dry-filter. The technique described in the SNB TEK (assuming that's where you picked it up) isn't completely dumb, but it's not efficient. "Coffee filter, 2 inches of dried epsom salt, another filter on top"? There is no need for all that Mg2SO4 and you are surely losing product this way.

If SNB, wash your reaction solution with dH2O once or twice, seperate, repeat, etc. Now you dry with Mg2SO4 (I hope that''s what you mean when you say, 'dry salt'.) You just toss in a few grams of Mg2SO4 and agitate for a while and filter very well. Now generate dry HCl gas into your dry NPS meth oil solution and it should snow after a little bit.

You can add NPS back to your reaction mash once or twice heat it and agitate the hell out of it to make sure you collected all your reacted pseudo. So you can do this two or three times, dry it and add it all together and gas it all at once. Or after you gas and collect your snow, you can add that fuel back to your reaction mash and repeat the process (wash, dry, gas, collect snow, repeat.) If you have the extra NPS, it's easier to just wash your reaction mash one or two more times before going forward. Just try to make sure you don't leave anything behind or waste anything. That pseudo is hard to come by, after all.


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Feb 28, 2024
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Yes, that's everything I did. I didn't use quite 2 inches, just a layer to cover the bottom. But I will filter and dry seperatly in the future. I will run fuel through the mash once or twice more and see what else I can pull.

So now with this mixture I have in water, I will just try what you suggested earlier to try and get my