"Do I have a problem?"


Chem-Safe - Energy Control
Feb 22, 2023
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Prejudices towards drugs make it difficult and their consideration as the main cause when a person develops a Substance Use Disorder can make it difficult to really get to the root of the problem. For some professionals, almost any drug use other than socially accepted ones is problematic. Moralistic or exaggerated approaches make it difficult to recognize, understand and address the real causes.

Much of the messages about drugs are of a negative nature, focusing only on the risks and problems, without distinguishing those that are likely and frequent from those that are anecdotal or sporadic. Much less do they recognize the pleasures. This leads to a loss of trust in experts and a failure to identify situations that truly involve danger. On the other hand, we all tend to see our behaviors as "normal" and self-justification or self-deception is a frequent reaction when difficulties arise;

When people have doubts or suspicions, it is often left to a professional team to assess whether or not there is a problem. In reality, what is important is the personal and deep reflection on the degree of satisfaction that our behavior and habits produce in us. If the pleasures are greater than the risks to which we expose ourselves, if we truly perceive that we are in control of our life and if what we do allows us to live life the way we want to live it;

It is not a matter of submitting to an interrogation, but of stopping for a while to think about some aspects. You may not have anything to change. You may not have asked yourself some questions before. You may be able to change some things yourself, if you think you need to. It could also happen that you need to change things, but you don't succeed. In that case there might be a problem. Sometimes problems are solved individually, with time or with the help of people close to you. At other times the advice or support of a professional team may be helpful or even necessary;

Some reflections we can make:
  • Why do I use drugs, and do I do it the way I would like to?
  • How often do I do it? How often would I like to do it?
  • Is my consumption changing over time, am I consuming more than before?
  • What is my social circle? How many of my friendships are not related to drugs? Do I have leisure time without drug use?
  • How do I relate during the week with the same people I party with? Have I tried different things? Have I succeeded? How have I felt?
  • Do I have or have I had financial problems related to my drug use? How much money do I spend? Have I had difficulty controlling my spending? Have I done things I would not normally do to get drugs?
  • How often have I stopped fulfilling my obligations (work, family, study...) after a party? How often do I have *****ual relations taking drugs? And without taking them? Do I feel at ease with myself in this sense?
  • Have I done things under the effect of substances that I would not do under normal conditions? How do I feel about it?
  • When I have a bad experience, do I take care to find out what happened and how to avoid it? Do I know risk reduction strategies, but I still do not apply them?
  • Do I plan my consumption or instinctively? Do I care about the quality of the substances? Are the suppliers reliable or do I test them?


Nov 23, 2021
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Self-reflection is very important for us, but the modern world leaves fewer opportunities and less time for it. I would add a few questions to the list, and in some I would change the wording - I think this is important:
  • Have I noticed that I need to use more drugs to achieve the same high (tolerance)?
  • Do I experience withdrawal symptoms when I'm not using drugs
  • How much time do I spend thinking about drugs?
  • Do I continue to use drugs despite knowing it's causing problems in my life?
  • Have I tried to cut down or control my drug use but failed?
  • Am I defensive or secretive when someone mentions my drug use?

Nevertheless, our consciousness is so arranged that, considering itself from the inside, it can come up with convincing tricks in the answers, creating a picture and a position different from reality. And here it is important to recognize when self-reflection is a useful way of monitoring, and when it is disinformation or justification for use. That is why all professions related to psyche exist - in certain, complex and confusing situations, we need an outside view


Don't buy from me
Oct 11, 2023
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This is all very well and good but I'm the first to realize I'm a complete addict. I skimmed the questions but the ones I read were all exactly why I use drugs. I can't relate to people or function in society without them. I'm a complete introvert and barricade myself in solitude when I'm sober and always do things I regret when I'm using... it's a double edged sword. I'm currently in rehab ( because drug addiction recently made me homeless) tho unlike my other rehab stints. Once I got to go out during the day i immediately went to buy coke and hypodermic needles. I waste most of the shots after my first 3 because I can't keep in the vein. But still I can't stop and honestly I'm at a point where I don't even want to.

I do believe harm reduction It's primordial. Never share needles.. try my best to always use a new one.

I just wish I had an easier time finding veins.

BTW even if ur not shooting. Never share pipes or straws hepatitis is no joke. Luckily I live in a country where Healthcare is free and considered a basic right and as soon as my blood test came back positive I got a 3 months therapy of 2 pills a day and while it's not a cure I'm no longer contagious nor am I at risk 3 any serious risk of liver damage... however I could still catch another strain of hep c and have to seek treatment again. My point is, harm reduction isn't a feel good thing to not take seriously. Even if ur just smoking weed, take that shit seriously


Nov 23, 2021
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The right words. Thanks for sharing. If you want to discuss something, anything, just write me in private messages