Carfentanyl, Fentalogues and Nitazines in European Cathinoce Supply


Don't buy from me
Apr 11, 2024
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Hello dear members,

I am conducting my own little observation, out of pure curiosity on carfentanyl, fentalogues and nitazines laced cathinones in European supply of cathinones.

During the last 12 or so months ago, ever more increasingly, cathinones (mainly 3-CMC and to lesser exten 4-MMC) are reaching local market with considerably large traces of powerful synthetic opioids on mentioned types. I am aware of three cases where three ***** lads have died after snorting 3-CMC that was laced with carfentanyl (users were ***** guys, very chemical-naive), and of numerous overdoses that were, thanks be to God, with rapid response from emergency services, reverted with nalaxone. Cases were so severe that all of these people that by the grace of God survived, had to be hospitalized for few days even after of administration of more than two hits of nalaxone. I would like to add that common intentional opioid users that overdose here very often, get successfully revived after one or two hits of nalaxone (each hit consists of 1mg/1ml nalaxone). So the amount of these opioids added are horrific in volume I assume. This is not some inner-city, crazy junky scare tales, this is something I have witnessed myself (all the cases I have mentioned I am aware of first hand), and had a chance to talk with medical professional that works in the field of harm reduction and is in contact with high risk users daily.
I would like to hear other people's opinion that have heard of such cases in their country, experienced this first hand maybe, or have any knowledge how this is being carried out (lacing). Cathinones that are laced are in no way different by look, smell, taste or other objective appearance, meaning they are in crystal form. I would make a conclusion that local drug dealers do this themselves if the product was in crushed crystal, fine powder form. Recrystalizing the product is not something local drug dealers are capable off. And I have no reasons to think that Chinese or Indian manufacturers would be doing this at their labs - but I can be wrong; by now, nothing of depraved lack of any humane ethics coming from these people would surprise me.

Can anyone, with any knowledge or more understanding in this matter, enlighten me in regards to this topic? Do you think that lacing of cathinones in crystal form can be efficiently done by maybe spraying some solution on crystals directly? Or is it more likely that lacing is carried out during and at manufacturing facilities?
Any first hand experience with laced cathinones will be interesting and insightful to read also.

Thank you.


Don't buy from me
Feb 17, 2024
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Seems wired that suppliers are trying to kill the customers. (literally unawareness of such substance presence is pretty much dead sentence to any user (whose thinking it’s pure mcat or any other stim). Unless they trying to get you hooked on to opiods, and have u running like a cr3ck hd.
there is no other explanation.

kind of counter productive to have opiods in such product.

Synthesis of fentanyl and other op. product seems very popular those days, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just don’t clean around much, before cooking something else.
Well stay safe, test your shit (there are OP. test available)