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  1. ymaaah

    Failed 4mmc synthesis

    I see what u mean, the oil didnt precipitate thats right? If yes, just put the oil in a flat pyrex plate and wait some days, it will crystallize ;), after, u can purifiate it w/ acetone
  2. ymaaah


    Why the methylation takes 50 minutes with DCM? Normally with DCM its 2 hours no? and you let the cube open when you do the methylation? Because the methylamine gaz comes out if you dont close the cube
  3. ymaaah

    4MMC freebase with HCl/acetone didnt react

    I dont have a sand bath or vacuum :(((( I have 13g 4MMC for 20g 2B4M, so a yielf of 65%, i level up ahah ! :)))) So you heat the water and and you get 4MMC powder, and after? And your 4MMC oil? What you will do?
  4. ymaaah

    My 4MMC burns my eyes when I let the powder in my room

    ***** I cry x) idk know why but when I put 4MMC in bags, 10min later, my eyes burns and I cry.. Maybe methylamine impurities? Brome?
  5. ymaaah

    4MMC freebase with HCl/acetone didnt react

    So if I understand after the methylation, you have 2 layers, at the top you have methylamine/water and at the bottom you have 4MMC freebase, you acidifiate before remove the top layer or after? (sorry im french not english, even with google translate I have some difficulties to understand the...
  6. ymaaah

    4MMC freebase with HCl/acetone didnt react

    So I need to put water before or after HCl to extract the more possible the 4MMC? No I dont probably know better, but for me the white milk was the good result, if I need to acidifiate with water I will do it
  7. ymaaah

    4MMC freebase with HCl/acetone didnt react

    I had this color when I let the solution in a bottle while 5h
  8. ymaaah

    4MMC freebase with HCl/acetone didnt react

    I dont really understand, so you say me to put water in the 4-mmc freebase and put acid after? my HCl acid is 36-38% so there is water inside.. This is my result the previous time I did 4-mmc : my pH was not 1-2 but 6-7 (the color of the pH test was green) and after...
  9. ymaaah

    4MMC freebase with HCl/acetone didnt react

    The aqueous layer, you mean the top layer with methylamine/water?? idk why, my pH goes from 6-7 to 1-2 with a few drops.. I bought a pH metter, so I will check precisely pH ! I washed with acetone and my powder is like that : Yeah its white but I can see some small green...
  10. ymaaah

    4MMC freebase with HCl/acetone didnt react

    And I dont understand why I have so much 4MMC whereas I used just 20g of 2b4m maybe its because I let the freebase in a bottle while 5 hours?
  11. ymaaah

    4MMC freebase with HCl/acetone didnt react

    I made my 4MMC freebase but I had to go to work so I let the freebase in a bottle while 5h, and when I came back to home, I see a yellow oil, but very very yellow, so I took 10ml (for 20g of 2b4m) and I putted drop by drop HCl and I dropped to much and I had a red color when I test the pH so it...
  12. ymaaah

    My mephedrone burns my nose as *****

    Okay I will do that, idk if I buy vevor stuff or not, I think I will, because its cheap !
  13. ymaaah

    My mephedrone burns my nose as *****

    I dont have magnetic stirrer, I make 4MMC with a small vodka bottle so.. but I can buy it or maybe do you know a DIY to stir quickly a solution for this time? I can mix slowly the solution in a glass while some minutes I think, no? And maybe this is why my yield wasnt good !!
  14. ymaaah

    My mephedrone burns my nose as *****

    I take 1g 4MMC for 1ml of water, I put water in a pan, I heat it until the water starts to boil, I add 4MMC and after it was like oil, I putted it in a glass, I putted the glass in my attic (its very cold ahah) and I wait 1 day, it was solid rock, but I think I didnt filtrate my 4MMC powder...
  15. ymaaah

    My mephedrone burns my nose as *****

    for 10g of 2B4M, I put 20ml of methylamine 40% but I just remember that my seller told me that the methylamine wasnt not 40% but a little less because he made it for me (if you read this, thank you again !), so maybe I have to put 25ml, no I only have burns in my eyes (even when I wear glasses...
  16. ymaaah

    My mephedrone burns my nose as *****

    Yeah this is why I had a doubt.. but its weird
  17. ymaaah

    My mephedrone burns my nose as *****

    I made rock 4-MMC and I waited 1 day to let my solution dry and crystalize 4-MMC, I decided to test it and when I sniffed 70mg, my nose *****ing burned, especially my skin, I think acetone is still in my product..what can I do to dry my mephedrone from acetone?
  18. ymaaah

    How to make cocaine bricks with a press?

    I see.. but if you make pure cocaine, why not make a labtest of it? To proove to potentials buyers that this cocaine is pure? Or send samples? Idk, I think there is another way to have more buyers
  19. ymaaah

    How to make cocaine bricks with a press?

    why do you cut your cocaine with lidocaine? you dont care about your buyers health?? cut with another thing like NAC or idk smtg that will not increase sides effects ..
  20. ymaaah

    Increase the yield of 4-MMC?

    7 years? You yield is only 75%? Bro dont be narscissic like that when u have a mid level ;) , there are ppl here that have 10x your lvl sont dont be an butthole please.. :(