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  1. M

    Legal Cocaine Analogs

    what about synthesizing from atropine? Atropina belladonna grows everywhere where i come from....
  2. M

    How do I get access to the RC section?

    would also love to get access.... have much experience with legal RC's, specially with noids. European based.
  3. M


    hey guys, found this potent noid, but cant find the full synthesis writeup. in they make 11-Hydroxycannabinol-DMH (compund 4b) from 11-hydroxy-∆8-THC diacetate (compund 5b): But i cant find anything about 11-hydroxy-∆8-THC diacetate (is it a...
  4. M

    HU-210 synthesis

    this seems much more complex than the original writeup - what are the advantages of this method? Also, mechoulam somewhere mentioned, you could also start from CBD - but i cant remember where he wrote it... anyways, as this is a very complex synthesis, i dont dare to mess with it.... is here...