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    "MY" MDMA freebase crystallization

    Is there a way to purify black crystal and turn them into completely clean crystal?
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    "MY" MDMA freebase crystallization

    so that means the ph drops a lot ?? but i cheked when i took it out of the freezer and it was at 7.
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    "MY" MDMA freebase crystallization

    hello, i have managed to make large crystals thanks to this guide, but i have a problem finishing drying the crystals, they are very wet inside when you break a crystals in half, i would like to know how i can finishing drying them well?
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    how can i make coca cola from mdma base?? and i would like to know what is the difference bk-mdma and normal mdma??
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    MDMA synthesis via NaBH4 from MDP2P

    Hi i got 700ml of mdma freebase. but it destilled at 275c so i'm not sure if what i distilled was mdma oil. the ph is 6 so for crystaliation i need to raise the ph and i would like to know how?? if ou can help me, than you.
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    MDMA synthesis via NaBH4 from MDP2P

    hello, i don't know if i did something wrong but i could only get 700ml of mdma free base, and when i was doing the distillation the oil distilled at 275 c,so i'm not sure if what i distilled mdma oil or another substane. ph 6
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    MDMA synthesis via NaBH4 from MDP2P

    sodium boronhudridecanbe substituted for something different in this process that perfoms the same function.