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  1. E

    Video instructions.

    There is, as of yet, no conclusive proof that the workup is worth it. Dozens of people post in-progress documentation every year but none ever get to the point of finished product because the yields and workup are just so insanely terrible.
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    Replacement for DCM?

    In some places it recently got banned. In others it has been difficult to buy for decades. What're some alternative solutions?
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    Video instructions.

    Can you do a coverage of the MAPS cGMP synthesis of MDMA in order to get the info out there a bit more? I think this may really help things along.
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    Clandestine routes to WIN-35428 aka beta-CFT aka synthetic cocaine

    Apologies if this is the wrong board. It has come to my attention that this is the compound often used in studies in which a cocaine-like substance is to be used, with the big upside of being longer lasting (8 hours) and non-cardiotoxic. Does anyone here have knowledge on how to make this...
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    Complete MDMA synthesis from Sassafras oil with Al/Hg

    If you aren't already part of a network it's generally advised to distill it yourself as the bark is somewhat less watched.
  6. E

    Street drug traffic

    Not to offend anyone, but I'm privileged to know my friends have moved out of street dealing years ago (barring one). One thing that I can heavily recommend is doing it at fast food restaurants. Sit down, get food ordered, then swapping drink containers. It's an old trick but it's very, very...
  7. E

    The Simplest recipes

    Sourcing San Pedro is quite easy. Dried san pedro "skins" I'm told is a bit harder but doable. Extract that using "Cieolo" tek, get a Peyote vector graphic, get that made into a stamp and press Mescaline pills. Making GHB is fairly simple as well. Especially if you can source GBL Gel or BDO...
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    Adderall Amp Salt Ratio Change?

    This isn't the first thread on this I've seen. How possible is it, and furthermore how easy would it be to clandestinely provide the exact formula they're used to?
  9. E

    easiest method

    Read the wiki
  10. E

    Racemic MDMA... Myth?

    I see this crop up everyhwere lately. Some mythical racemic MDMA that supposedly is better and more empathetic etc etc. Is there any truth to this? Cause from the synths I've read published or taken part in it doesn't seem to hold any water whatsoever.
  11. E

    Whats safer your own tor website or telegram for buisness deals?

    If you have to ask you're going to make a complete mess of setting up your own Tor website and create a paper trail the size of manhattan. Your own Tor site will provide more safety but only if you know what you're doing otherwise it'll backfire in a legendary fashion. Things are set up to...
  12. E

    Launching a new substance

    Not completely novel. New in terms of "In this scene or location or perhaps worldwide there is no culture of using it yet". For a completely arbitrary example, let's take 4MMC and Ireland. Pretty easy to make but the Irish don't have a *****ing clue what that is. How do you roll it out?
  13. E

    Launching a new substance

    As we all know, the synthesis of a given molecule and the hype factor surrounding it bear almost no relation with each other. Cathinones are fairly simple yet mostly known via scare stories and never by name whereas Acid is rather tricky but everyone knows what it is. Does anyone have advice on...
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    MDMA crystal pulverization solution

    Mortar and pestel aside what's a way to create a very uniform powder for washing, filling into capsules or pressing?
  15. E

    Why is a lot of weed grown and imported from other countries? Why not grow it in your home country?

    European weed is either grown locally or imported in the form of hash. Iberia & the Northern countries do hash, central Europe does local hydro, it's kind of a mix in the Slavic countries. I have yet to see anyone claim seriously that mexican weed is used to any notable capacity.
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    is it possilbe to become a drug chemist where to start/or learn how to cut right

    He asked about learning how to become a drug chemist and since he knows very little I suggested that as a place to start.
  17. E

    is it possilbe to become a drug chemist where to start/or learn how to cut right

    Question (Not an add this is simply something many people I know use for their personal projects) this is a fairly good combination of stuff that makes pills come out very consistently. You can also use microcrystaline cellulose for less optimal...
  18. E

    Is there a market for GHB in the under 27 straight demographic in the US, Central Europe & Australia?

    It seems easy enough to make from non-watched precusors in both locales but seems confined to older gay men & unsavory date ***** types. Is there something to be built here?
  19. E

    If somebody was starting from scratch where would you point them?

    Start by learning how to extract DMT. Then learn how to transform DMT into vape juice. Once you've got that down you can learn how to convert CBD into active cannabinoids. That should keep you busy for a bit.