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I love drugs. I love baseball, fishing and hunting. My idol is ALEXANDER SHULGIN, why? You might ask. First, if your on this forum and do not know who he is please feel free to have the nearest person to you slap you and if your alone slap the shit out your own face and then go do some research. Next if you don’t hAve at least 5 years experience at least 5, then no one wants to hear your bullshit because without experience I don’t give a ***** if you read 12 books a day without experience shut the ***** up read and listen. Because it’s for the big boys. And trust me I’m 37 and I’m a little bitch still compared to prob 90% of the guys on here. AND IVE GRADUATED THE SALVATION ARMY REHAB IN SAN BERNARDINO AND ALSO IN ANAHEIM. If that sounds bad add VICTORY OUTREACH IN PALMDALE/LANCASTER GRADUATED THAT ONE TOO. I’ve done 2 bullets in jail plus random days about 30 times. Ive O.D. OVER 10 times on fentanyl. I have 19 drunk in publics along with some heavier shit. I’ve walked from Anaheim to downtown L.A after getting kicked out of rehab for drinking then stealing a 5th of peppermint schnapps 90 proof and blacking out, thrown in Theo lacy the same day I got kicked out of rehab for a violation and warrant from a different county! That was 14 years ago give or take. Then about 6 or 7 years ago i finished rehab at Salvation Army in San Bernardino, got out of jail just did a bullet and I was taken straight from jail to Salvation Army in the berdoo. Graduated did good for a quick second then bam mother *****in heroin came by and said hi. So after stayin in my car for 2 weeks after kickin heroin again from being broke I attempted to go back to the same rehab I had just graduated from 6 months before. Needles too say I lasted 2 weeks then grabbed my buddy we left rehab got a half gallon of vodka because that’s what we do I had my car parked at this lot that was tied to the rehab. We grab my car drive to that big *****ing cowboy bar in San Bernardino start drinking!! Then we decided let’s drive to Newport to party with chicks that we don’t even know where they could be but it’s stupid and risky so that’s my *****ing M.O at this point. We arrive in Newport we’re buzzing good at this point. My boy kept thinking it was funny to change my radio constantly so finally I pulled over got out and said get the ***** out we’re gonna get over right now because it inevitably coming I can tell at this point! So of course he is no longer thinking *****ing with every button in my car is fun anymore. Until he does about 2 hours later. This time I pull over and get out and he gets out. 1 *****ing straight *****ing chin shot right on the button and he goes down like those old school felony fights. He’s knocked *****ing as unconscious as a *****ing fentanyl overdose. Then on top of it he’s gurgling and snoring which sometimes happens when you knock someone out anyways long story short. After about 10 min of him laying on the asphalt I did a lap around this plaza structure checking *****ing ash trays for a cigarette. After 10 more minutes I go grab my buddy and I’m like I bet you don’t touch another thing in my car and at this point he agrees. His *****ing face looked like one of those slap fighters on tv where you slapped until you *****ing quit or get knocked out. But it’s all good he owns his shit and says yeah I deserved that and I said I know thats why I told you hours ago that it was inevitable!. So now we’re heading to the beach chugging vodka. After about 3 hours chugging vodka in the parking lot off pacific coast highway. Some *****ing lames decided they didn’t want them and everyone else to hear NOFX blasted at full volume while we chugged vodka. So next thing I know here comes mother cock sucker Johnny Law Dog and like 2 of of his robin sidekicks. So they run our names i have warrant in 2 county’s im hammered and im the driver my boy he has a warrant and his face looked like *****ing Nolan Ryan threw a baseball as hard as he could from 6 feet away. Meanwhile im already handcuffed in the back of cop car and im trying to kick the door out. They go what happened to your face my boy goes I tripped and fell lmao. Then they ask me I go he was drunk and wouldn’t stop being a ***** face so I told him if he does it again I’m going to dirt nap his ass. Obviously he didn’t listen. So I hate cops period because literally every time I am within 15 ft of one I go to jail every time. So I finally stop threatening every cop with terrorist threats and im pretty worn out from trying to kick the cop door out. So about a day and a half after going back to the rehab I just graduated, my car is being impounded and my buddy and I are jailed but separated because there cops and never have had friends so they have never punched one in the face for the stupid shit friends do sometimes. So I wake up next morning in drunk tank. They release me with no info no phone no idea where I really am. Turns out imright there by corona Del Mar rich ass *****ing richity *****s right on the beach in southern ca. I KID YOU NOT BECAUUSE I HAD NO CAR PHONE OR MONEY AND KNEW NOTHING ABOUT THE ARE FOR THE NEXT 14 days I would go to smart an final and steal jerky and cheese and then like 3 stores up I think it was a rite aid I stole a 5th of billet whiskey some decent shit. I proceeded to do that exact thing jerky and a bottle everyday for 14 days straight racking up 3 more drunk in publics. NO JOKE! in those 2 weeks. Because we all can see a pattern forming here, needless to say I couldn’t call anyone my family had written me off years prior. So somehow i get the strength and courage and this time walk from corona Del Mar to the Anaheim Salvation Army because at this point it’s either keep trying to get a handle on sobriety, die or become homeless permanently. About 20 or miles later and about 2 days I make it to Anaheim salvation army rehab. And the same exact rehab I had gotten kicked out for drinking from like12 yrs prior. Anyways I ran that bitch anyplace graduated again. Ok I’m done and I swear on dopamine this is all true word for word and that was only about 4 years of my life.

Anyways I’m pretty sure I qualify I was doing drugs before *****ing A.O.L CAME OUT………..MIC DROP


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